family having lunch

Nutrition for you

Discover the benefits of nutrition

What makes up a healthy diet?

A healthy balanced diet consist of the following:


  • Energy reserve
  • Aid in fat soluble vitamin absorption
  • Source of essential fatty acids


  • Aid in muscle formation
  • Aid in wound healing
  • Aid in immune system function
healthy food


  • Principle source of energy
  • Energy supply for all body tissues, especially the brain

Vitamins & Minerals:

  • Aid in wound healing
  • Aid calcium absorption and bone health
  • Antioxidant function and aid in immune system function
seniors smiling at each other


A healthy diet can help people to...


  • Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Promote overall health
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases & aid in immune system function
elderly couple on a vespa driving

Nutrition and Ageing

Get to know more here!

Daughter hugging mother

Nutrition and Cancer

Get to know more here!