Morning coffee

Morning coffee

With Fresubin Protein POWDER


* 1 small cup (85 ml) (made of 1 teaspoon (5 g) instant coffee) Brewed coffee
* 1 teaspoon (5 g) Cocoa powder
* 1 tablespoon (15 g) Sugar
* 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Whole milk
* 1 scoop Fresubin Protein POWDER
  1. Make a cup of coffee.
  2. Pour the coffee into a mug and stir in the cocoa, sugar, and milk.
  3. Allow to cool to a temperature that is safe and comfortable to drink, then sprinkle in 2 scoops of Fresubin Protein POWDER, until it dissolves.

General Information

5 min Time

Nutrition information per serving

140 kcal Energy
8 g Protein
3 g Fat
21 g Carbohydrate
2 g Fibre

Fresubin Protein Powder