senior enjoying coffee in nature

Nutrition with Swallowing Disorders

Rediscover the Joy of Eating

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia describes any form of swallowing difficulties like choking on food or beverages, coughing after or during swallowing and problems with moving food in the mouth. The impact and prevalence of dysphagia are often underestimated. It affects people with a range of conditions, of all ages and often occurs as comorbidity in older adults.

Are you or your loved one suffering from symptoms like:

  • Choking on food or beverages?
  • Coughing after or during swallowing?
  • Coughing or vomiting food up?
  • Having a soft and weak voice?
  • Aspirating (getting food or liquid into the lungs)?
  • Drooling (excessive salivation)?
  • Chewing difficulty?
  • Problems with moving food to the back of the mouth?
  • Food sticking in the throat?

These might be symptoms from swallowing problems, also known as “Dysphagia”.

What are the consequences of dysphagia?

Many people ignore the problems and do not search promptly for professional help. A proper diagnosis is very important because it can influence treatment. As dysphagia makes eating and drinking uncomfortable it could lead to severe health consequences like:

woman drinking glass of water
  • Malnutrition:
    55% of older people with dysphagia are at risk of malnutrition. 45% of very old adults (80 yrs +) are also present with malnutrition.
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration:
    Risk of dehydration is greater in patients with dysphagia. It is extremely important to ensure accurate monitoring of fluid intake along with providing palatable, thickened fluids regularly throughout the day.
  • Respiratory infections:
    When food, drinks or even saliva don't go down the right way but enter the lungs, it can lead to chest infections. Symptoms of chest infections are e.g. fever, cough, and confusion. Aspiration pneumonia is a leading cause of death in dysphagia patients.



Check if you or your loved ones are at risk of malnutrition

senior man

Check your nutritional status

Dysphagia patients are often malnourished due to difficulty in swallowing. Check your or a loved one's nutritional status here!