Picnic with ONS

Oral Nutritional Supplements

Discover our Sip Feeds and Crèmes

What do you fancy eating today?

Since we know that there is nothing more boring than eating the same thing everyday, we offer a wide range of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) to choose from. Our products come in various formats, from Sip Feeds to Crèmes and Powders. Moreover we offer you a large variety of different flavours so that you will always be able to find something that suits your daily appetite.

Our EasyBottle  - developed to be more than just a packaging

All our sip feeds come in an ergonomic and convenient bottle, the EasyBottle:

EasyBottle Easy Opening

- easy opening with a big screw cap which has a good grip

- reclosable bottle  for clean and easy storage

- big opening for easy pouring

EasyBottle good grip

The rectangular bottle shape:

- provides a good and stable grip

prevents accidental rolling away of the bottle

- allows easy storage



How much Fresubin for how long?

The mode and amount of consumption depends on the individual needs. Please follow your doctor's advice.

Crèmes - The perfect alternative to our drinks

Fresubin offers a variety of delicious spoonable Crèmes which serve perfectly as a snack or dessert.

Our Crèmes

Fresubin 2kcal Crème has a creamy consistence and is full of energy to provide you a nutritional boost.

Fresubin YoCrème has a refreshing yoghurt-style taste and its creamy consistency is easy to swallow.

Fresubin Dessert Fruit has a fresh and fruity taste - made with real fruits.


How to store Fresubin Drinks and Cups?

All our products are UHT-preserved. You can store them at room temperature. We recommend you serve and consume the products chilled so that they offer their delicious taste best. Once opened, they may be stored in a refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Enjoy the products by drinking or eating slowly.


Fresubin bottle in fridge

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