Feel better, stronger, happier
Exercise safely!
Exercise is good for everyone, no matter what age you are.
Just make sure you are safely prepared by following a few easy steps to exercise safely…
Wear comfortable clothes and footwear
Prepare a safe place with:
• Good lighting
• No tripping hazards
Use a safe support if needed
Such as:
• A sturdy chair
• Kitchen worktop
Start small and build up gradually
• Increase the duration, frequency and intensity of activity day by day
Recognize your physical limits through self-monitoring
• Heart rate
• Breathing
• Sense of effort
Stop exercise immediately if you experience
• Chest discomfort
• Dizziness
• Blurred vision or fainting
• Severe pain
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath
Minimise risks by getting a health screen
Consult your doctor before starting:
• If you have a chronic disease
• If you haven’t been active for a long period

The following exercises are centred on strength and making you stronger in general by increasing your muscle power.
Do a session of 10–15 minutes of balance exercises twice a week and try to implement it into a training routine.

Flexibility is important at all ages. For example, when you have to stretch to tie your shoes or put on socks or grab something from the top shelf. The next exercises will help to improve your ability on all these common tasks.
Do a session of 10–15 minutes of balance exercises twice a week and try to implement it into a training routine.

It is important to be always confident and safe while walking as it helps to avoid the risk of falls. These exercises will help you to gain more safeness in everyday life.
Do a session of 10–15 minutes of balance exercises twice a week and try to implement it into a training routine.