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Nutrition and Ageing

You're never too old to change your life

With a balanced and varied diet, we can remain active longer

If we have an unbalanced diet or only eat small infrequent meals, we increase the risk of poor or inadequate nutrition. Over a longer time period our body then lacks vital nutrients, and the first symptoms of deficiencies appear.

When age-induced changes affect the quality of life, the focus is often on medical questions and drugs. For ageing adults in particular, a good nutritional status is an important prerequisite for remaining active and enjoying a good quality of life.

couple on lawn

Malnutrition and consequences

Learn to spot the signs here!

woman spreads arms in nature

Check your nutritional status

Find out if you are at risk here!

family in kitchen

The power of nutrition

Find out how a balanced diet can improve health here!

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Your effective nutritional solution

Find out how Fresubin can help here!

Read about John’s story

John is 75 years old. He is a retired physics teacher who loves spending time with Manfred, his best friend and with Kathrin, his granddaughter. To balance out the rationality of physics, John plays jazz on the piano and has joined the rose-growing society. Due to his generous and methodical personality he has become their chairman.

Since John has become older, he has recognized that he struggles with the daily routine: being open and flexible for all his friends is becoming exhausting for him, and he often feels tired. His appetite has decreased and he only eats small portions. He has lost weight since his regular diet is insufficient to meet his energy and nutrition needs.



john keyboard